Tuesday 12 August 2014

Building the PR puzzle

Imagine you managing celebrities such as Loyiso Bala or being a spokes person of large international companies such as Coca cola, or managing reputations of dignitaries such as  Patrice Motsepe . Even coordinating big events such as SAMA Awards 2015........sounds interesting  right? That's my thoughts exactly. Those are the first pieces of the PR puzzle I was thought when I was in Grade12 while looking for a career that would fit my personality. As fun , exciting and interesting  as it sounds Public Relations can be a bit challenging however with a bit of creativity will fit the right  pieces into the puzzle. Lets me give you  few magical pieces of the puzzles  I feel a PR student should consider:

Scenario: You being Patrice Motsepe's PRP, he is all in suits and you representing him in a media conference but you in jeans. Proper? Obviously not. I think now you have an idea where I am heading. In this field, "looks" play a huge role in getting your voice heard and taken serious, which  enhances your credibility. By being a public figure you are judged by your appearance, how you dress conveys non verbal clues about your personality, background and financial status. http://goo.gl/oNmSdq

Language usage is a important piece of the puzzle. What you say, how you say it and to whom you say it to is very important in communication. My tip here is to avoid crude, violent, abusive and offensive language. Remember in the world of media the words of your mouth has power to  either build you or destroy you.

The next piece! Is good reputation. Don't be fooled its never too early or late to build your name. It is advised  and also ethical for PRP's to be transparent, accountable and credible. As easy as it is to lie, bribe, spin doctor or plagiaries. I advise you never compromise your reputation even if someone influences you.  A  quote by Benjamin's Franklin says "it takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and takes only one bad deed to loose it." : http://goo.gl/EeqjRo.

Engaging in social media is the next piece of the puzzle. In this digital age, it is wise for you as an upcoming PRP to familiarize your self with  social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Mxit and many more. This will help you build relationships. One more puzzle piece which is a drag but you need to do as a PR student is to read/watch the news and know what is happening in the world around you. This will help you relate to your study practice and help with examples for assignments and tests. Thanks to News24 we can read the news on the "go". http://goo.gl/uMvzwX.

5 things to consider as a PR student:

1. Appearance

2. Language usage

3. Reputation and ethics

4. Join the social media platforms

5. Monitor the news


  1. Wow, beautiful peace there. I learnt quite interesting points there, so thanks very much. It's very important to understand the field and these tips are quite handy. Big ups.

  2. Yes if we understand the field we will be able to enjoy our job. I believe if we enjoy it, we will excel in it. Thank you

  3. Wow wow wow wat a life changing encouraging interesting n challenging lecture my Queen surely I hv no doubt that big companies like Eskom,Sasol,big mines,TSB,etc will b convinced to hv u as a PR practioner in their companies bcz of ur skills n ur ability, am convinced that Honourable Patrick Motsepe ,Thuli Mandonsela will love to employ u to b a spoke person in their office, and to shocked wen u receive a call from the office of the president that ur called to a interview for parliamentary spokes person dear....surely God is ushering u in ur destiny am proud of u make us proud too . Bless u bby

    1. Thank you for the words of encouragements, means a lot to me. I hope my lecture will feel the same too #wink

  4. Yes that true girl,you are correctly on point, I fully support ur points.it is very advisable to observe dress code,language usage,reputation,ethics. thanks alot girl....PRP or PR Students is a must to consider and observe the five key points everyday,and don't compromise your profession by any means.

    1. Thank you, yeah as PR students we should not turn a blind eye on this things because they can either make our profession or destroy it depending on how we do things.

  5. Yeah your deeds can destroy or build neither make your profession. PRP or PR Students have to mind their deeds and you have to start demonstrating good deeds while you are still a student because u have to practice what you gonna preach. Do not take for granted your deeds. NB: We have seen student being employed while students because of their deeds during their course of studies. Mind your deeds PR Students

    1. yes thank you Bheki, reputation is one of the key things agencies look at before they hire a PRP. As I have said it is never to early or too late for a PR student to build a good one her her/him self.

  6. amen!!! I couldn't have said it better myself....it is very much vital for an individual to behave in a good manner especially those in the public eye as it would have a very bad image for him/her and the people he/she's associated with...and would have a negative effect on his/her reputation....interesting blog #thumbs up

    1. You said mouth full. thank you and yes in PR we have to lead by example.

  7. I certainly agree with you guys, as PR students or any other students we need a good reputation to make it in the real world, and in this life time ones reputation can make you or break you. The five tips are really coming in handy.

    1. Thank you girl, in all we do, lets put this tips in mind, they may open doors for us.

  8. Firstly I want to say that I love your layout Buhle!Secondly, wow thank you for your wise tips. I must consider a more professional hairstyle when it comes to improving my appearance don't you think? ;-)

    1. Thank you lindiwe, well I think u should do more than that #teasing. Well yeah we all need improvement here and there, special to in preparation for the interns next year.

  9. Wow nice presentation Bunhle, it realy suits your career choice. I love the part that we must be familiar with the social media world. Also how we present ourselves to people it matters the most. A good reputation counts to people, the way we talk and also our appearance counts a lot. Thanks for the 5 tips.

    1. Thank you Lindeni, yeah we live in a digital world, we need to know how it works and we should be part of it.

  10. This is so interesting hey I totally agree on your statement PR plays a huge part in building a business its just so bad that people underestimate the power of public relation practioners. Well done hun you made this so simple to understand.

    1. Yes thank you, PR has always been one of the fields over looked but is now moving to new heights.

  11. wow what a blog buhlebenkosi! i totally agree with your statement because Pr its an essential part in enhancing the image of a company and oh, thank you for your tips B since they had made me see Pr in a different perspective.

    1. Thank you Fifi, Lets go brighten the PR world, making this tips the bases of our career life.

  12. So far thus is the best blog I ever read big up girl,you always on point hey

  13. Great topic gal well done this is indeed interesting you wrote it in a manner thats not too serious i like that it makes the message easier to grab and remember'.

    1. Thank you girl, am really encouraged by your words

  14. Wow girl thank you for this information
