Friday 22 August 2014

Are you looking for an Influencer?

Well you in the right place!!! In life we all need a bit of help in putting together the puzzle of our lives, Social Media has all the right people to motivate, inspire, influence, encourage and help shape your life. All you need to do is press the "Follow" button. Here are a few to follow.

For a spiritual person like me, Joyce Meyer is the person to follow. She is an inspirational God fearing woman who believes in Enjoying Every Day Life by doing the word of God (Bible). She has a bad dark background of emotional and sexual abuse that God helped her overcome and today is preaching the word of God to the world, letting the world know that there is a God who loves us despite our backgrounds. You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook.
Combination of looks and brains Fezile Makhanya has it all. Well the handsome Fezile started so small by just being in sports, went to explore the entertainment industry in which he is an actor, presenter and a SABC1 brand ambassador. What I love about him is that he loves God, carries KZN in his heart and never forgets where he comes from. For more read Zama Seakamela's blog, follow him on Twitter,  and Facebook
Talking about real inspiration, Ntokozo Mbambo is one of the most talented and creative award winning gospel musicians in South Africa. She is God fearing woman, leading by example in speech and in conduct. Her posts are really influential and spirit lifting. You can find her on TwitterFacebook and YouTube.


My personal favorite influencer is Sbusiso Leope known as DJ Sbu. He is not just a Media Personality and Business man but also an inspiration to the young and I see him as an unselfish blessed heart striving to give back to the youth, owning a nonprofit organization called Sbusiso Leope Education Foundation (SLEF) which supports disadvantaged schools in the Gauteng region. You can follow him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Cutting the List short, let’s end with the Woman of many talents Queen Latifah, whom is so inspirational to both man and woman. Her shows covers real issues from life style, recipes to introducing products like hair shampoo and tips that comes really handy. She is beautiful, determined, strong willed and confident woman every girl looks up to her as a role model. Follow her on  her Web page , Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest.
                       Queen Latifah Show

The list goes on, You name them:
  • Sizwe Dhlomo
  • Zizo Bheda
  • Pearl Thusi
  • Joel Ostean
  • Cornnie Ferguson
  • Bonang Matheba
  • Kim Kardashian & many more

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Building the PR puzzle
Imagine you managing celebrities such as Loyiso Bala or being a spokes person of large international companies such as Coca cola, or managing reputations of dignitaries such as  Patrice Motsepe . Even coordinating big events such as SAMA Awards 2015........sounds interesting  right? That's my thoughts exactly. Those are the first pieces of the PR puzzle I was thought when I was in Grade12 while looking for a career that would fit my personality. As fun , exciting and interesting  as it sounds Public Relations can be a bit challenging however with a bit of creativity will fit the right  pieces into the puzzle. Lets me give you  few magical pieces of the puzzles  I feel a PR student should consider:

Scenario: You being Patrice Motsepe's PRP, he is all in suits and you representing him in a media conference but you in jeans. Proper? Obviously not. I think now you have an idea where I am heading. In this field, "looks" play a huge role in getting your voice heard and taken serious, which  enhances your credibility. By being a public figure you are judged by your appearance, how you dress conveys non verbal clues about your personality, background and financial status.

Language usage is a important piece of the puzzle. What you say, how you say it and to whom you say it to is very important in communication. My tip here is to avoid crude, violent, abusive and offensive language. Remember in the world of media the words of your mouth has power to  either build you or destroy you.

The next piece! Is good reputation. Don't be fooled its never too early or late to build your name. It is advised  and also ethical for PRP's to be transparent, accountable and credible. As easy as it is to lie, bribe, spin doctor or plagiaries. I advise you never compromise your reputation even if someone influences you.  A  quote by Benjamin's Franklin says "it takes many good deeds to build a good reputation and takes only one bad deed to loose it." :
Engaging in social media is the next piece of the puzzle. In this digital age, it is wise for you as an upcoming PRP to familiarize your self with  social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Mxit and many more. This will help you build relationships. One more puzzle piece which is a drag but you need to do as a PR student is to read/watch the news and know what is happening in the world around you. This will help you relate to your study practice and help with examples for assignments and tests. Thanks to News24 we can read the news on the "go".

5 things to consider as a PR student:

1. Appearance

2. Language usage

3. Reputation and ethics

4. Join the social media platforms

5. Monitor the news